Friday, February 18, 2011

Well, I've done it now

I joined the NetworkedBlogs site, added my Twitter and Facebook accounts and now every time I do this everyone will see.  You have no idea how much, how very very much that terrifies me.  I try to come across as strong, and with a good sense of humor and a "so what - this is who I am, there's no hiding it so why be embarassed about it" attitude but inside I'm really really scared about what people will think, how they will view me, whatever.  I know what they say "true friends don't judge, don't tease, and support you and love you no matter what" but that doesn't make the negative ones hurt any less!

ANYWAY - that's enough of that.  I was going through some other weight loss blogs and WOW - some of those people have some really freakin' cool blogs.  Mine is so bland in comparison.  I am really going to have to start doing some research on how to make my blog look better visually and how to add more interesting elements to it!  I also have to figure out how to get that monsterously large NetworkedBlogs tag off the top.  My god! 

Portion Control!!!!

I know this and really so do most of you.  But I just wanted to say it anyway.  I went to an Indian restaurant today for lunch and had the Lamb Palek.  The portion was just right - a small wedge of naan, a bit of saffron rice, some salad (lettuce, tomato and cucumber on the side of the plate - but perfect with the meal) and a small bowl of the lamb/spinach entree.  The whole thing fit on a plate not much larger than a bread plate in most restaurants and it was GOOD.  It satisfied me without allowing me to over-stuff myself and made me feel good about eating it.  I also had way more energy in the afternoon.  Later I realized just how much oil was probably in the Lamb Palek but overall I still think it was a pretty healthy meal.  What struck me was how satisfied I felt even though I had eaten just a small portion of what I usually would. I really need to remember this - I know it, I just don't like to live by it.  I think I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on something but what did I miss here?  Nothing.  I need to adopt more of a "small bites" mentality.  I can still have several different things on my plate - but only a couple of bites of each.  That way I still get to taste all the different flavors but I don't overdo it.  Yeah.  I'll let you know how that goes for me. 

Monday, February 14, 2011


How do people DO this every day?  Or even every week?  I have a life (kind of) and responsibilities (a lot of) and it didn't even occur to me to sit down and write something.  Sadly, it hasn't seemed to occur to me to do much about my weight either.  I haven't gained anything lately, but I haven't lost either.  I haven't made it to a WW meeting in weeks due to appointments but those are over and I plan to resume attending my meetings. 

Here is the biggest problem I'm having lately - excersize.  Or rather, lack thereof.  I know I have to excersize if I'm going to stand any chance of losing weight but my goodness it's hard to find time.  It is really hard to take the baby to the gym in the evenings because that is when he is cranky and tired and wants nothing to do with it but I can only go in the mornings on the weekends.  I would love to just go out and walk every night but my neighborhood isn't the safest for walking.  There aren't a lot of sidewalks and there are a lot of stupid drivers that don't pay attention.  So I would have to load the kids up and go somewhere just to take a walk. I'm trying to do more excersize stuff when I'm around the house but multi-tasking excersize and housework is harder than it seems.  I think I just need to put my foot down and do it.