Tuesday, July 12, 2011


WHOO HOO!  I am so excited to see such a jump!  Now I must continue to capitalize on this! 

Let's see, what did I do to maybe cause this?  Not much honestly.  I was so busy at work last week that I didn't eat much during the day and when I got home I was also busy and tired and just didn't sit and eat a lot.  BUT - I also drank a lot of water, got some exersize, and made sure that what I did eat was healthy and the best "bang for my buck." 

SO - what does this mean for this week, when I have already found myself eating more than last week?  Well, I have been re-motivated by last weeks loss.  I also remember that it really didn't take some huge plate of food for me to feel full and satisfied.  So I am trying to go back to that sort of thing: much smaller portions, taking longer to eat what I have, and making sure that what is on that plate is healthy and filling.  And of course trying to get some exersize in as well.  

I don't think a 6+ lb loss every week is the healthiest way to go, nor is it really feasible for me, but boy did it feel good!