Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Only 0.8 loss AGAIN?!?!

I know, I haven't posted in a few days - just been one of those weeks, ya know?!  That being said, this is also going to be a short post.  I need to try and get some sleep.  Hopefully tonight won't be filled with tossing and turning and waking up every 45minutes or so.

So that is all I lost again - 0.8lbs.  I'm not even going to lie and say I'm all happy that at least it was a loss.  0.8lbs could be the shirt I was wearing.  But it was enough to take me down 1 more PointsPlus point.   Obviously I need to step things up even more.  I am remembering to focus myself every morning and I went on a walk at lunch yesterday.  Today was cold and hailing and I didn't feel like going out in it.  I'm going to have to get on it if I'm going to have 3 productive workouts this week.  And I can say that this week is already one that I did NOT stay within points every day.  Close, but I went over points one day.  I AM drinking the water so far.

2 yummy meals to note: Had a quick, light meal the other night of roasted Asparagus.  It was several of the really big spears and I sprayed them with olive oil cooking spray, seasoned with a touch of sea salt and pepper, and drizzled basalmic vinegar over them.  Roasted them in the oven until tender-crisp and they were so good!  Tonights meal was very simple too: rainbow chard and penne tossed with shallots, garlic and olive oil.  I put the chard in with the penne as it cooked.  It was delicious!

Well - I'm off to bed.  Going to wake up tomorrow, count my blessings, review my goals and look FORWARD.  I won't dwell on my frustration of this week any further.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New month, more determined!

So it's another month and that means it's time to reaffirm my commitment to myself.  I must say I really don't understand what my problem has been with digging into this weight loss thing whole hog.  While it is true that I don't have the kind of support group I had around me during my last big loss (there were a lot of us at work and we walked every day and kept each other on track) I still have plenty of support options out there!  Tomorrow night is weigh-in and I'm mixed about it.  On one hand I've had some really great days the last week, and I've made some good changes, but I've also had some serious roadblocks that I allowed to get in my way.  I really hope to see a loss tomorrow night but if I don't I only have myself to blame.

So about this reaffirmation.  What does this mean to me?  Over the last couple of years I've allowed myself to kind of disappear.  I've allowed my whole life to be run by family needs, work needs, charity needs and church needs.  I've let the fact that I have been so busy substitute as being useful and productive and really all I've been doing is spinning my wheels.  I've ignored my own true needs and allowed them to be covered up with my perceived "needs" of chocolate, large plates of pasta, and deciding that "time to myself" simply meant curling up in bed with a book for a few hours or getting a pedicure and going out to lunch.  What I have decided is that I need to commit this time to my health and well-being.  My work, family, church and the charity I volunteer with still need me but I can be far more useful and helpful to them if I have my own life under control.  The main way I can do this, at least for now, is to lose this weight and get healthy.  So I need to set some goals for April.  Not so big that I'll get discouraged by them, but not too small either. 
  1. Drink a minimum of 80oz of water a day.  I would like to get this up to 120oz a day but let's start with 80!
  2. Wake up every day and before even getting out of bed, review my goals in my head.  Give myself a pep talk and think about all the positive reasons I am doing this. Review everything good I did the day before and develop strategies to offset anything negative from the day before and prevent them from happening again.
  3. Have at least 3 good, productive workouts every week.
  4. Walk at lunchtime a minimum of twice a week.  I don't have to get sweaty and nasty since I do have to go back to work and we don't have a place to take a shower, but I need to keep moving throughout the day.
  5. Stay within my daily PointsPlus goal and use no extra weekly points for at least 1 week.  The other weeks of the month I can get into my weekly points if I need to, but I may not ever exceed them.
There.  I think these are extremely achievable goals.  For some people this list would be a joke - like telling them to make a goal to breathe every day.  But for me this is a big thing.