Friday, March 18, 2011

Portions, portions, portions!

Wow - this week has really been flying by and I just haven't had much time to sit down and write.  So far the week has been OK.  I have been trying to make the right choices and trying to get in a little more exersize.  One good thing about all the extra water I've been drinking is all the extra walking I have to do to go to the bathroom!  It's about 90 steps round trip from my desk to the bathroom and I've added at least 6 trips a day! 

My current challenge is portion control.  The other night I made a fabulous dinner!  Lightly sauteed kale, broccoli, garlic and mushroom tossed with minced shallots and whole grain penne and just a touch of fresh shredded parmesean on top.  Served with fresh out of the oven Multigrain Bread from the Essential Baking Company.  Ohhhhhh it was delicious!  The bowl I had was a touch over a single "serving" but then I had a 2nd helping.  And when I was cleaning up from dinner I found myself nibbling away at the left overs.  Thankfully it hit 8pm and I stopped but that may be the only reason I stopped before eating absolutely all of it.  Ridiculous.  I was stuffed and uncomfortable and unhappy.  I think one of the keys here may be to just stop planning for leftovers.  Usually when I cook I plan on having that meal for dinner that night and then taking the leftovers to work for lunch the next day.  If there are a lot of leftovers that means we can have them for dinner a day or two later so that I don't have to cook one evening.  Obviously though, if there is food sitting around that I liked I am simply going to keep eating it.   I guess if I only plan enough for dinner that night then the bulk of that temptation is taken away from me.

On a really positive note tho: I stayed away from the pizza the rest of the family decided they wanted for dinner last night.  It was already there when I got home; both pan crust and both with meat on them.  So instead I pulled out my Spicy "Chicken" Boca Patty and made a sandwich with lots of veggies on it. 

I think my cooking challenge for this weekend is a Carmelized Onion Quiche.  I have found some great recipes but most of them use butter and cream and lots of cheese so I shall hunt for a lighter version.  I did find a good looking Vegan version that I may try if I get the right ingredients together!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well I lost 1.8 lbs at my weigh in yesterday.  Of course I'm excited about this because it's a loss, but I was a little disappointed because I had been doing so well that I thought it would be more.  I know, I know - approx 2lbs a week is the safe amount to lose but every once in a while I would like to see one of those affirming 6 or 7lb loss weeks!  So - I should review my week and see what else I can do to improve. 

OK - I've reviewed my week and there are some glaring observations. 
  • I need to stop eating after 8pm.  Period.  I'd like it to be sooner but with work, the kids, getting home and then cooking the meal, etc I'm lucky some nights to eat by 7:30. 
  • Just because I can still stay within my points for the day does not mean I should have a couple of cookies.  I'm pretty sure elevating my calorie count isn't helping me.  I need to stop being "points fooled" - the system works best if I use my points on healthy choices.  Having the cookies once a week might be OK - but not every night. 
  • Exersise.  I got a little more in last week but not a lot.  I need to just find some time to do it.  Yes, it's hard to find the time.  I rarely get to bed before 11 or 11:30 and am usually up by 5:30.  I'll just have to try setting the alarm a little sooner to try and get some exersise in.  
  • Water, water, water.  I drank quite a bit last week but I think I should drink more. 
Beyond that though, I feel really good about the changes I've made and the fact that I lost weight.  It is a step in the right direction.  And considering what people in Japan are facing right now, and people in New Zeland (way overshadowed by Japan but still dealing with their own tragedies) my problems are far more manageable.