Friday, March 18, 2011

Portions, portions, portions!

Wow - this week has really been flying by and I just haven't had much time to sit down and write.  So far the week has been OK.  I have been trying to make the right choices and trying to get in a little more exersize.  One good thing about all the extra water I've been drinking is all the extra walking I have to do to go to the bathroom!  It's about 90 steps round trip from my desk to the bathroom and I've added at least 6 trips a day! 

My current challenge is portion control.  The other night I made a fabulous dinner!  Lightly sauteed kale, broccoli, garlic and mushroom tossed with minced shallots and whole grain penne and just a touch of fresh shredded parmesean on top.  Served with fresh out of the oven Multigrain Bread from the Essential Baking Company.  Ohhhhhh it was delicious!  The bowl I had was a touch over a single "serving" but then I had a 2nd helping.  And when I was cleaning up from dinner I found myself nibbling away at the left overs.  Thankfully it hit 8pm and I stopped but that may be the only reason I stopped before eating absolutely all of it.  Ridiculous.  I was stuffed and uncomfortable and unhappy.  I think one of the keys here may be to just stop planning for leftovers.  Usually when I cook I plan on having that meal for dinner that night and then taking the leftovers to work for lunch the next day.  If there are a lot of leftovers that means we can have them for dinner a day or two later so that I don't have to cook one evening.  Obviously though, if there is food sitting around that I liked I am simply going to keep eating it.   I guess if I only plan enough for dinner that night then the bulk of that temptation is taken away from me.

On a really positive note tho: I stayed away from the pizza the rest of the family decided they wanted for dinner last night.  It was already there when I got home; both pan crust and both with meat on them.  So instead I pulled out my Spicy "Chicken" Boca Patty and made a sandwich with lots of veggies on it. 

I think my cooking challenge for this weekend is a Carmelized Onion Quiche.  I have found some great recipes but most of them use butter and cream and lots of cheese so I shall hunt for a lighter version.  I did find a good looking Vegan version that I may try if I get the right ingredients together!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing AWESOME, Wendie! Keep up it up, sweetness. Water is definitely KEY. Seems like a lot of weight we females keep-on is water weight, so the more we drink, the less your body will feel like it's not in survival mode. Eat lots of cucumbers! Try a cucumber a day. :)
