Tuesday, April 12, 2011

YAY! Finally a weight loss that is more than just what shoes I had on!!

Finally!  I broke the 0.8 streak I had been on!  Whoo hoo!  This last week I managed to lose 1.2 pounds.  I am very happy about this.  I mean really, .8?  That's like wearing a lighter pair of shoes or a light blouse instead of a sweater!  I feel really driven to see just how much I can lose next week.  I’m also a little concerned because I had a couple not-so-great days last week yet I still lost.  I’m afraid that those days will come back to haunt me next week so I need to be ultra-focused this week to try and offset that.  I know didn’t do a very good job of writing last week.  I think I was feeling discouraged and overwhelmed, but I’m back on track now.  In all areas!! 

So how did I do on my goals?  I did wake up every morning and review my goals and my day in my head.  I managed to walk twice during my lunch break and had 2 productive workouts.  I need to stay a little more dedicated to make sure I make the goals I have set for myself.  Today I did a 2 mile walk with the boys after I got home from work.  I'm doing a couple of 5k's next month (WALKING, thank you.  I don't run!) but those aren't a concern to me.  5K is only a little more than 3 miles and I can do that easily.  My current personal goal is to walk my home route in reverse - it has this really long, really steep - I mean REALLY steep hill that kind of intimidates me.  The last time I walked up it I had to stop several times to catch my breath.  I want to walk all the way up that hill without stopping, while pushing the stroller, and not be gasping for breath at the top.  When I can do that I'll know I'm really making strides.  It is my version of the stairs in "Rocky" - only I think my hill is longer and harder to climb!  I'll have to research that.

Specifically tasty meals for the week: shredded potatos with kale, onions and mushrooms - baked and topped with a little shredded pepper jack cheese; "Meatball Subs" made with falafel meatballs; and my favorite one - garlic and spinach fettucine with roasted veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the loss!! And that's a great goal to get to the top of the hill with no gasping! You can do it!
