Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 2

Just so you know, this isn't day 2 of my weight loss journey. I rejoined Weight Watchers back in September. This is just day 2 of blogging about it.

I can predict a recurring theme happening which I'm pretty sure will bore any reader to tears cause I know I'm already bored by it: I meant to be good today but gave in and ate too much. Happens all the flippin time. Not because I can't control myself but because I won't. Because I call bullshit on the old adage of "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." Whoever said that crap obviously has never had the delight of a piece of coconut cream pie from the Dahlia Lounge or the sinfully good Tuxedo Mousse Cake from Something Delicious! I like to eat and sometimes I just plain don't care what it does to my diet. Take today for example. I started off just fine. Had my WW oatmeal and a cup of almond milk. Had a banana for a snack. Then decided to go out to lunch. The main course I ordered was only 11 points, but the guacamole I added to it? An additional 15 points. Having the guac sent my system into a "gotta have more crap" mode and before the day was over I had 3 big pieces of candy, a cookie from the tray on the work table, and a soy peppermint white mocha from Starbucks. It's only Tuesday for crying out loud and I've just submaried my whole week! I still have our department holiday outing at that great Irish place on Thursday and our friends big Christmas party on Saturday. I mean - I look forward to that every year! Much beer WILL be consumed. So why? I mean, I can try to salvage the week by eating my roasted vegetable soup, which I love, but why would I do this to myself? I know, the thinner, athletic, dedicated people out there just think I'm weak and maybe I am. But isn't this what the journey is all about? Discovering myself? Finding out why I do what I do and what really matters to me?

So there you have it. Will every day read like this? Maybe. Will I have anything interesting to say to anyone other than myself? Maybe. I don't know but on we go.

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