Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gave in to the stress....

I didn't journal what I ate Tuesday because I was so exhausted I could barely think.  The baby had me up all night Monday and ended up taking him to the emergency room at 3am.  I am NOT the kind of person who whisks her kids off to the ER or doctor for every cough, scrape or dazed look but things were pretty bad for the little guy.  Really glad I did because he had a bronchial infection that was also starting to settle in as an ear infection in both ears.  Got him on antibiotics and he is doing SO much better now!  Back to his sweet self.  The downside is that I was awake from 5:30am Monday until Tuesday night.  I didn't have any energy left to journal!!  But, I hardly had any energy to eat either so I didn't do too badly! 

Yesterday tho, I started off so well.  But things got pretty stressful later in the day and at 8:30 last night I took a dozen vegetable pot stickers, steamed them, fried them brown in oil, and ate every single bite.  Along with 2 big glasses of milk, and then followed up with not 1 but 2 pudding cups (Sugar Free and only 60 calories each, but still - 2?!)  And then I just went to bed.  That was a LOT of calories and points, all because I decided to eat rather than do something active to deal with my stress.  I feel really bad about that this morning.  SO - today I will have to be extra good.  It's no use obsessing over yesterday, I can't change it, but I can learn from it.  I can make the choice to not do the self-sabatoge thing again!

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