Right off the bat let me say THANK YOU to my dear friend Michelle for the “Appetite for Reduction” cookbook! It is full of low-fat vegan recipes and while I am no longer doing the full-on vegan or vegetarian experiment I still try to keep at least 60% of my meals meat-free. One of the biggest problems I had was finding low-fat options that kept the variety in my diet so that I wouldn’t get bored. So many vegan & vegetarian recipes that I found used quite a bit of oil/butter/etc which while keeping the flavor level high did absolutely nothing for my WW Points+ values. In fact, several items I made were so high in points that I would have been better off with steak and a salad. I have been looking through my new cookbook in eager anticipation of the culinary delights to soon grace my plate! I will post pictures and reviews as I make them!
I really have no excuse for not posting more often. Yes, I’ve been exceedingly busy, was out of town for a few days and I currently have an apartment full of company but I should be able to find at least a few minutes each day to post my progress for that day. As for progress, I am making some! I worked really really hard during the week before and week of Memorial Day. I stayed within points, did my Zumba workouts, walked at lunch, etc. I FELT better and my clothes fit a little better – but for all that on my WW weigh in after 2 weeks (because they were closed on Memorial Day and I weigh in on Mondays) was only a 1 lb loss. I know I’m doing well because of how I feel and how my clothes fit but still – that was really discouraging. I haven’t been working out as hard the last 2 weeks but I have been watching what I eat so it will be interesting to see what the weigh-in is like tonight. I can’t trust my scale at home – I got on it 3 times this morning and each reading was different – by up to 6lbs! Obviously time for a new scale!
I’ve also been looking over my blog page and it could use some spiffing up. I need to figure out how to do the tabs across the top so that I can rearrange how this looks and add some more information. There is a lot of stuff I’d like to add or do but I don’t want to keep trying to cram it all onto one page. So if my page starts looking weird or doing odd things please bear with me because I don’t know what I’m doing in that respect!
Thanks for reading!